As I write this, it’s the tail end of 2011. I know it’s an arbitrary point in the earth’s annual journey around the sun, but even if only for a little while, it’s as good a time as any to reflect on life.
A friend of mine commented the other day how much he appreciated being part of a stable family. Evidently growing up he had a pretty tough time; not a very happy or secure childhood, bad first marriage, poor relationship with his kids, etc. but now he’s part of happy and extended family (through a second marriage). He was commenting how much he appreciated being welcomed into that family and made to feel a part of it. What struck me most about it is that he’s been in his second family for 40 years now, and yet he still feels strongly enough to comment. It made me start thinking about what I take for granted.
We live in the wealthiest society in the history of the world. What we call lower middle class in the US is still pretty well off, when compared to the standards of the entire world. We sometimes forget that, even in these difficult economic times most of us in the US have a home to live in, adequate food and clothing. Sure, we complain about how the tanking of the economy has affected our lives, and I don’t mean to trivialize what this has done to a lot of people in our society (the fact that nearly 20% of our population doesn’t have access to decent health care is another rant), but still, viewed from the perspective of the entire world we’re in pretty good shape.
From a personal perspective: I’m in good health, have a good job doing something I love to do; I’m happily married and have a wonderful home, extended family and support system. Right now I’m relaxing in front of my fireplace with my two dogs Moses and Lola (who, by the way, think I’m brilliant!)
It really doesn’t get much better.
About BigBill
Stats: Married male boomer.
Hobbies: Hiking, woodworking, reading, philosophy, good conversation.
What do we take for granted?
As I write this, it’s the tail end of 2011. I know it’s an arbitrary point in the earth’s annual journey around the sun, but even if only for a little while, it’s as good a time as any to reflect on life.
A friend of mine commented the other day how much he appreciated being part of a stable family. Evidently growing up he had a pretty tough time; not a very happy or secure childhood, bad first marriage, poor relationship with his kids, etc. but now he’s part of happy and extended family (through a second marriage). He was commenting how much he appreciated being welcomed into that family and made to feel a part of it. What struck me most about it is that he’s been in his second family for 40 years now, and yet he still feels strongly enough to comment. It made me start thinking about what I take for granted.
We live in the wealthiest society in the history of the world. What we call lower middle class in the US is still pretty well off, when compared to the standards of the entire world. We sometimes forget that, even in these difficult economic times most of us in the US have a home to live in, adequate food and clothing. Sure, we complain about how the tanking of the economy has affected our lives, and I don’t mean to trivialize what this has done to a lot of people in our society (the fact that nearly 20% of our population doesn’t have access to decent health care is another rant), but still, viewed from the perspective of the entire world we’re in pretty good shape.
From a personal perspective: I’m in good health, have a good job doing something I love to do; I’m happily married and have a wonderful home, extended family and support system. Right now I’m relaxing in front of my fireplace with my two dogs Moses and Lola (who, by the way, think I’m brilliant!)
It really doesn’t get much better.
About BigBill
Stats: Married male boomer. Hobbies: Hiking, woodworking, reading, philosophy, good conversation.