I’ve written several entries now about the current Presidential race, how Donald Trump against all predictions got the Republican nomination and the effect that is having on the Republican party. I think it’s clear that the party wonks were terrified of what we have now, two weeks before the election: The Donald is the Republican Party’s nominee, and it’s beginning to look very much like he’s going go down in flames. Not only that, but Trump’s probable flameout is endangering the entire Republican ticket; they’re apparently in real danger of losing at least the Senate and maybe even the House. I think they’re all scratching their heads, wondering how Jeb could have failed so early in the primaries, when he was the clear party favorite (or so they thought). I’ve even read a rumor that Mormon Mitt was at one point being pressured to throw his hat in the ring. Given the bunch of crazies in the original Republican lineup he would have been the best of the bunch, and I would have voted for him over almost any of the others that ran under the Republican ticket; and believe me when I say I never EVER thought I’d hear myself consider ANY scenario that would include me voting for Mittens!
But we’re in the final stages of this race, and just about the entire Republican leadership (with the exception of current RNC chair Reince Priebus, Rudy Giuliani and Chris Christy) has distanced themselves from Trump because, well, no reasonable person sees him as worthy of holding the highest office in the land. Those who do intend to vote for him are made up of crazies and right-wing nut jobs, the “Anybody but Hillary” crowd, and a few who are honestly convinced he’ll be able to change things in a good way (note that I don’t consider these people “reasonable,” but they may be honest in their support).
I’ve also written about the 1964 Presidential election between Lyndon Johnson and Barry Goldwater. Recall that Johnson became President when Kennedy was killed, so this was his first time as the Democratic candidate in the general election. Goldwater was staunchly conservative and a hawk on defense. Whether he was as far to the right as was commonly thought is a question better answered by others, but as the elections showed, he was certainly frightening to the voters. Johnson won at least partly by preying on the fears of the US voters that Goldwater couldn’t be trusted with his finger on the nuclear button; he just might start World War III. In any case, Johnson won in what is widely considered a landslide; Republicans have been stinging from that paddling for years.
Anyhow, one of the ads that was run then now seems incredibly pertinent to our current race. It’s black and white and a bit grainy and “60’s-ish” but I find it compelling. You should take a look for yourself, but briefly it’s a straight shot of a middle-aged guy talking into the camera about how he’s been a lifelong Republican but in this election he’s voting Democrat because the stakes are simply too high to vote for Goldwater. Recall that this was the height of the Cold War and Goldwater’s hawkish stance was being played against him. Pretty compelling for back then (Goldwater lost spectacularly) and I think it plays just as well today.
I’m not sure why the Democrats aren’t running something like that today. One could argue that with the end of the Cold War things have changed, but frankly, the thought of a loon like Trump having the nuclear codes is simply too frightening to consider.
This election is even more important: even if you can’t stand Hillary, we can’t let Trump get his stubby little fingers on that much power.
About BigBill
Stats: Married male boomer.
Hobbies: Hiking, woodworking, reading, philosophy, good conversation.
Trump, nuclear codes and The Confessions of a Republican
But we’re in the final stages of this race, and just about the entire Republican leadership (with the exception of current RNC chair Reince Priebus, Rudy Giuliani and Chris Christy) has distanced themselves from Trump because, well, no reasonable person sees him as worthy of holding the highest office in the land. Those who do intend to vote for him are made up of crazies and right-wing nut jobs, the “Anybody but Hillary” crowd, and a few who are honestly convinced he’ll be able to change things in a good way (note that I don’t consider these people “reasonable,” but they may be honest in their support).
I’ve also written about the 1964 Presidential election between Lyndon Johnson and Barry Goldwater. Recall that Johnson became President when Kennedy was killed, so this was his first time as the Democratic candidate in the general election. Goldwater was staunchly conservative and a hawk on defense. Whether he was as far to the right as was commonly thought is a question better answered by others, but as the elections showed, he was certainly frightening to the voters. Johnson won at least partly by preying on the fears of the US voters that Goldwater couldn’t be trusted with his finger on the nuclear button; he just might start World War III. In any case, Johnson won in what is widely considered a landslide; Republicans have been stinging from that paddling for years.
Anyhow, one of the ads that was run then now seems incredibly pertinent to our current race. It’s black and white and a bit grainy and “60’s-ish” but I find it compelling. You should take a look for yourself, but briefly it’s a straight shot of a middle-aged guy talking into the camera about how he’s been a lifelong Republican but in this election he’s voting Democrat because the stakes are simply too high to vote for Goldwater. Recall that this was the height of the Cold War and Goldwater’s hawkish stance was being played against him. Pretty compelling for back then (Goldwater lost spectacularly) and I think it plays just as well today.
I’m not sure why the Democrats aren’t running something like that today. One could argue that with the end of the Cold War things have changed, but frankly, the thought of a loon like Trump having the nuclear codes is simply too frightening to consider.
This election is even more important: even if you can’t stand Hillary, we can’t let Trump get his stubby little fingers on that much power.
About BigBill
Stats: Married male boomer. Hobbies: Hiking, woodworking, reading, philosophy, good conversation.