George Bush, Senior’s gracious note to Bill Clinton

This has been one of the nastiest presidential races in modern history. It seems that every time I think it can’t get any worse something outrageous happens that proves me wrong. Of course, I think the nastiest things come from Trump, but I suppose those who support him would say that Hillary is just as nasty. (I think they are wrong and I think the story of this election, when it’s read in the future, will support me.)

I’ve generally supported the Democratic nominee in previous elections (although I am registered as an Independent), and in each race I disagree (sometimes profoundly) with the Republican positions on social issues, while I agree with some of their fiscal policies. Most of the time the social positions are more important to me than fiscal issues, so I generally wind up voting for the Democrat. But in looking back from the perspective of this train wreck of a race, I think Trump’s candidacy is a travesty. I don’t think there’s one thing that he’s said that I agree with (although a case could be made that he hasn’t really said much of anything that represents a real plan or policy; no one who’s given it any serious thought believes he’s going to build a wall along our southern border, drop out of NAFTA or kill the Affordable Care Act; that’s all just bluster and bullshit).

In my opinion, the fact that he is a candidate at all is the result of a long line of mistakes that I think Republicans have made in attempting (often successfully) to maintain control of the houses of Congress and the White House when possible. I’ve written about that previously so I don’t intend to do so again, but in each case during the previous Primaries and run-ups to the election I find myself thinking that the current candidate would be an awful choice. If the Republican gets elected I mostly see the negative things they do; I thought Dubya was an awful president and his father only slightly better. I have none of the reverence for Reagan that people on the right still seem to have; I thought he was clueless and full of bluster and show during his presidency.

But now, looking back at each of them from the context of this election and comparing them to Trump, I feel a certain of nostalgia for those guys, because at least they respected the office and once they got into the oval office seemed to do their best (with the possible exception of Dubya). Anyhow, Bush Senior just went up a significant notch or two in my opinion when I saw a hand-written letter he wrote for Bill Clinton on his last day in the Oval Office. CNN published the letter (others picked it up), and it genuinely surprised me in how gracious Bush was in welcoming Clinton to the White House and in turning over the reigns of the government. He said “You will be our President when you read this note. I wish you well. I wish your family well. Your success now is our country’s success. I am rooting hard for you.”

What a wonderful thing to do! No snark, no “well, you beat me, you bastard!” but simply a gracious and clearly heartfelt “good luck!.”

Contrast that with Trump’s statement that if he loses, he’s not sure he’ll accept it as the will of the people. What incredible arrogance! “If I win, it’s fair, if I lose, the election is rigged against me.” No wonder Bush has stated privately he’s not voting for Trump.

This time, it really IS different. No person who has ever run for President in the history of this country is less-suited to be our President than Trump, in temperament, knowledge, ability or experience.

About BigBill

Stats: Married male boomer. Hobbies: Hiking, woodworking, reading, philosophy, good conversation.
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