At the Republican convention, we heard Trump’s wife Melania say that about her husband in her speech (that, by the way, shamelessly plagiarized Michelle Obama). The full quote from the transcript of her speech is
“He will never, ever give up. And, most importantly, he will never, ever, let you down.”
I am guessing it was meant to make Trump more personal and seem less like a demagogue, coming from his wife. I presume it was hoped that she could provide some sense of who he is from someone who knows him well, but to my ears it came out sounding like a convicted criminal’s mother pleading for leniency from a judge prior to sentencing. A little bit too hard of a sell. And from someone who could hardly be called unbiased.
Now, I suspect that the irony of her words was completely lost on her. I obviously don’t know her nor do I have any sense of her level of self-awareness (let alone her intellect), but stop and think about this for a minute, as she (or her speechwriter) obviously did not. She is Trump’s third wife. He had an affair with her while married to his second wife, with whom he had an affair while married to his first wife. He was rightfully pilloried for bragging about sexual assault, and she was one of the people calling his words unacceptable. Yet here she is in front of the entire world asking everyone to believe her when she talks about how trustworthy this creature is. I wonder if she helped him lie to the woman to whom he was married while Trump was sleeping with her during their affair? And she’s asking us to believe her when she says how trustworthy he is?
Let’s dig just a bit deeper here. He’s been involved in literally thousands of lawsuits, most of them over breach of contract. He’s well known for refusing to pay the people he contracted for jobs in his building projects, and then fighting them in court when they try to get the compensation they both agreed to. So I doubt if very many of those people view him as trustworthy.
He is strongly opposed to a woman’s right to choose to have an abortion, all the way back until 1999 when he was for it (or at least he said he was on “Meet the Press”). He was a great friend of the Clintons, right up until he decided not to be (presumably when it was politically expedient). He stated in 2014 that “the biggest problem confronting the US was Russia’s Putin”, right up until he realized he was “so smart, such a strong leader.” And on and on.
And at the Republican National Convention Melania tells us “he will never, ever, let you down.”
Until it becomes convenient for him to do so.
About BigBill
Stats: Married male boomer.
Hobbies: Hiking, woodworking, reading, philosophy, good conversation.
“He will never, ever, let you down.”
At the Republican convention, we heard Trump’s wife Melania say that about her husband in her speech (that, by the way, shamelessly plagiarized Michelle Obama). The full quote from the transcript of her speech is
I am guessing it was meant to make Trump more personal and seem less like a demagogue, coming from his wife. I presume it was hoped that she could provide some sense of who he is from someone who knows him well, but to my ears it came out sounding like a convicted criminal’s mother pleading for leniency from a judge prior to sentencing. A little bit too hard of a sell. And from someone who could hardly be called unbiased.
Now, I suspect that the irony of her words was completely lost on her. I obviously don’t know her nor do I have any sense of her level of self-awareness (let alone her intellect), but stop and think about this for a minute, as she (or her speechwriter) obviously did not. She is Trump’s third wife. He had an affair with her while married to his second wife, with whom he had an affair while married to his first wife. He was rightfully pilloried for bragging about sexual assault, and she was one of the people calling his words unacceptable. Yet here she is in front of the entire world asking everyone to believe her when she talks about how trustworthy this creature is. I wonder if she helped him lie to the woman to whom he was married while Trump was sleeping with her during their affair? And she’s asking us to believe her when she says how trustworthy he is?
Let’s dig just a bit deeper here. He’s been involved in literally thousands of lawsuits, most of them over breach of contract. He’s well known for refusing to pay the people he contracted for jobs in his building projects, and then fighting them in court when they try to get the compensation they both agreed to. So I doubt if very many of those people view him as trustworthy.
He is strongly opposed to a woman’s right to choose to have an abortion, all the way back until 1999 when he was for it (or at least he said he was on “Meet the Press”). He was a great friend of the Clintons, right up until he decided not to be (presumably when it was politically expedient). He stated in 2014 that “the biggest problem confronting the US was Russia’s Putin”, right up until he realized he was “so smart, such a strong leader.” And on and on.
And at the Republican National Convention Melania tells us “he will never, ever, let you down.”
Until it becomes convenient for him to do so.
About BigBill
Stats: Married male boomer. Hobbies: Hiking, woodworking, reading, philosophy, good conversation.