New Year’s resolution

I was asked by some friends last night what New Year’s resolutions I made for 2017.

I’ve always made resolutions with each new year (at least once I got old enough to understand what it was all about); frequently they were the same as the previous year’s list when I took the time to go back and check, so I guess that shows how well I kept them. My resolutions usually last a month at the outside, so by the next year when I get motivated again they feel like new resolutions. I suppose it’s good that what was important a year ago is usually still important, but my lack of commitment isn’t especially commendable.

But I’ve always been curious why we make such a big deal about New Year’s resolutions in January; after all it’s a day like every other. As a society we’ve selected that date but it could just as easily (and reasonably) be any other day; why January 1? Oh, I know that’s not the point; it’s like changing the smoke alarm batteries when we reset the clocks for Daylight Savings.

But still.

Anyhow, I told my friends that my 2017 resolution (and I have only one) is that I’m no longer going to allow an arbitrary point in space in the earth’s annual trip around the sun to dictate any facet of my behavior for the coming year.

So I guess I’ve already violated my 2017 resolution. Glad I got that out of the way early on.

About BigBill

Stats: Married male boomer. Hobbies: Hiking, woodworking, reading, philosophy, good conversation.
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