Trump supporters I spoke with (the more reasonable ones anyhow) predicted that much of what Trump was saying during his incredibly vitriolic and divisive campaign was just hyperbole, and that after the election he would pivot to the center and become President for everyone, not just the deluded idiots who voted for him. Our President-elect has been that for a couple of weeks now, and the promised pivot not only has not taken place, but Trump has doubled down on the type of divisiveness that was the hallmark of his campaign. Starting out with his appointments, he’s made it clear (at least thus far) that he has no interest in appealing to a broader electorate; his contention that he’s going to be the President for the entire country is not just hollow; it’s precisely the opposite. The only four appointees who have been announced were loyalist during his entire campaign; all old, conservative white guys who slobbered over him most. Pretty much the opposite of diversity or the ability to bring any opposing perspectives.
But now his Twitter habits are kicking in again. During the last couple of weeks of the campaign his aides managed to get his tweeting under control (or so it is rumored). Prior to that, of course, he couldn’t resist responding to Clinton repeating what he said to a young beauty-pageant winner (he called her “Miss Piggy”), and when he attacked the parents of a decorated soldier killed in a car bomb attack in Iraq (Humayan Khan) via his Twitter account. Near the end of the campaign his tweets dropped off significantly but now he’s back at it, and with equally childish responses. The latest are his series of tweets condemning the cast of the Broadway show Hamilton for thanking VP-elect Pence for attending and (respectfully) reminding him that America is a nation of immigrants and encouraging him to honor his commitment to govern for everyone. Trump was apparently mightily offended by that, tweeting that theatres should be “safe zones” and that they should apologize. (Pence, for his part, said he wasn’t offended in the slightest.) Trump sent not one, but FOUR tweets (one that was later withdrawn) that criticized the cast for having the audacity to “attack” poor Veep-elect Pence. He also tweeted his displeasure at Saturday Night Live for Alec Baldwin’s portrayal of him (again) on their show this past Saturday, saying not only that they were “unfunny” but demanding “equal time.”
This is the guy our country elected to the most powerful position in the world? Unbelievable. He’s got the maturity of a nine-year old. It’s beyond words how disappointed I am in the people of my country who voted for this thin-skinned buffoon.
And most recently (it’s on the news right now as I write this), a white-nationalist meeting in Washington ended their keynote speech with Nazi straight-arm salutes and a rousing “Hail Trump! Hail Victory!” and our President-elect doesn’t have time (or doesn’t think it’s important enough) to disavow their actions. He can tweet how offended he is because someone has mocked him on SNL but not to disavow a bunch of neo-Nazis from saluting him.
A pivot to become more inclusive? Sure doesn’t look like it so far.
About BigBill
Stats: Married male boomer.
Hobbies: Hiking, woodworking, reading, philosophy, good conversation.
What pivot?
But now his Twitter habits are kicking in again. During the last couple of weeks of the campaign his aides managed to get his tweeting under control (or so it is rumored). Prior to that, of course, he couldn’t resist responding to Clinton repeating what he said to a young beauty-pageant winner (he called her “Miss Piggy”), and when he attacked the parents of a decorated soldier killed in a car bomb attack in Iraq (Humayan Khan) via his Twitter account. Near the end of the campaign his tweets dropped off significantly but now he’s back at it, and with equally childish responses. The latest are his series of tweets condemning the cast of the Broadway show Hamilton for thanking VP-elect Pence for attending and (respectfully) reminding him that America is a nation of immigrants and encouraging him to honor his commitment to govern for everyone. Trump was apparently mightily offended by that, tweeting that theatres should be “safe zones” and that they should apologize. (Pence, for his part, said he wasn’t offended in the slightest.) Trump sent not one, but FOUR tweets (one that was later withdrawn) that criticized the cast for having the audacity to “attack” poor Veep-elect Pence. He also tweeted his displeasure at Saturday Night Live for Alec Baldwin’s portrayal of him (again) on their show this past Saturday, saying not only that they were “unfunny” but demanding “equal time.”
This is the guy our country elected to the most powerful position in the world? Unbelievable. He’s got the maturity of a nine-year old. It’s beyond words how disappointed I am in the people of my country who voted for this thin-skinned buffoon.
And most recently (it’s on the news right now as I write this), a white-nationalist meeting in Washington ended their keynote speech with Nazi straight-arm salutes and a rousing “Hail Trump! Hail Victory!” and our President-elect doesn’t have time (or doesn’t think it’s important enough) to disavow their actions. He can tweet how offended he is because someone has mocked him on SNL but not to disavow a bunch of neo-Nazis from saluting him.
A pivot to become more inclusive? Sure doesn’t look like it so far.
About BigBill
Stats: Married male boomer. Hobbies: Hiking, woodworking, reading, philosophy, good conversation.