It seems like almost every week there’s another mass shooting. Most recently a guy shot and killed 9 people in an Oregon community college and wounded another 10 before being killed himself in a gun battle with police. The reason he chose to do this is still being debated. Prior to that, a disgruntled former employee of a TV station shot a reporter, her cameraman and a person being interviewed. The reporter and cameraman died; the interviewee is facing a long recovery. Shortly thereafter the gunman shot himself, dying a little later in the hospital. This idiot used a GoPro camera to film his actions, posting them on social media.
The Washington Post ran an article a few weeks ago that stated we have averaged more than one mass-shooting per day thus far in 2015 (if that sounds like more than you recall from the news, note that they are including those shootings where no one died as well as the more sensational variety).
After the reporter and cameraman were killed, an ad ran for a while showing a collage of Hollywood types in black and white against a monochromatic background telling us that we should “Demand a plan to end gun violence” from our government representatives.
Interestingly, almost as quickly as the above video was posted, another one entitled “Demand a plan hypocrites” was also posted; I think you can pretty well guess which side of the dialogue whoever posted that video represents!
So we have what is adding up to a new gun-related mass incident a day, with what appears to be a growing cry to “do something about it, dammit!!” from the populace. It sure seems that the easy access to guns is contributing to the violence we have confronting us daily.
Counterpoint to that, Texas and a number of other states have open carry laws, I see NRA tags and “From my cold, dead hands!” or “Guns don’t kill people; people kill people!” bumper stickers on a significant number of pickups even here in liberal California on my way to work every day, indicating a society obsessed with firearms. Gun purchases spike after every major mass shooting.
What in the hell is going on? Unsurprisingly, I’ve got some thoughts. Stay tuned.
About BigBill
Stats: Married male boomer.
Hobbies: Hiking, woodworking, reading, philosophy, good conversation.
And yet another mass shooting
It seems like almost every week there’s another mass shooting. Most recently a guy shot and killed 9 people in an Oregon community college and wounded another 10 before being killed himself in a gun battle with police. The reason he chose to do this is still being debated. Prior to that, a disgruntled former employee of a TV station shot a reporter, her cameraman and a person being interviewed. The reporter and cameraman died; the interviewee is facing a long recovery. Shortly thereafter the gunman shot himself, dying a little later in the hospital. This idiot used a GoPro camera to film his actions, posting them on social media.
The Washington Post ran an article a few weeks ago that stated we have averaged more than one mass-shooting per day thus far in 2015 (if that sounds like more than you recall from the news, note that they are including those shootings where no one died as well as the more sensational variety).
After the reporter and cameraman were killed, an ad ran for a while showing a collage of Hollywood types in black and white against a monochromatic background telling us that we should “Demand a plan to end gun violence” from our government representatives.
Interestingly, almost as quickly as the above video was posted, another one entitled “Demand a plan hypocrites” was also posted; I think you can pretty well guess which side of the dialogue whoever posted that video represents!
So we have what is adding up to a new gun-related mass incident a day, with what appears to be a growing cry to “do something about it, dammit!!” from the populace. It sure seems that the easy access to guns is contributing to the violence we have confronting us daily.
Counterpoint to that, Texas and a number of other states have open carry laws, I see NRA tags and “From my cold, dead hands!” or “Guns don’t kill people; people kill people!” bumper stickers on a significant number of pickups even here in liberal California on my way to work every day, indicating a society obsessed with firearms. Gun purchases spike after every major mass shooting.
What in the hell is going on? Unsurprisingly, I’ve got some thoughts. Stay tuned.
About BigBill
Stats: Married male boomer. Hobbies: Hiking, woodworking, reading, philosophy, good conversation.