It’s been a long time since I posted anything, but I’m feeling like I should get back into blogging. I think part of the reason I took a hiatus is because my posts were too often political, railing against the most recent travesty in Trumps administration and I was finding my anger at the current administration was affecting my mood in general. I was hopeful that the Orange Buffoon would, I don’t know, become less of a buffoon maybe. Realize that the Presidency was greater than he was and he needed to rise above his instincts and stop being such a moron.
Sadly, that hasn’t happened; in fact it’s gotten worse.
What continues to mystify me is not so much how low he and his toadies can sink, but how people I know to be good, honest and decent people continue to support him. I’m still trying to find that person with whom I can have an honest discussion about what exactly they see that makes him worthy of their support, but mostly I get “Well, at least he’s not Hillary” or some such non-answer. I’ll keep trying.
In the meantime, I’m going to do my best to reduce the number of posts about Washington’s mess and find more positive topics. Or maybe, rather than talk about how awful Trump is all the time, try to bring up productive action items. Like pushing for redistricting laws or encouraging activism. In that regard, I really like Robert Reich, the former Secretary of Labor from 1993 to 1997 under President Bill Clinton (he also served in various capacities during the administrations of Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama) and now Professor of Public Policy at Berkeley. While he is certainly not shy about writing (and speaking) very eloquently about the corruption of the current administration, he also brings up things that can (and should) be done to hopefully work back toward a healthy and truly representative legislature.
That’s my plan anyhow; we’ll see how it pans out.
About BigBill
Stats: Married male boomer.
Hobbies: Hiking, woodworking, reading, philosophy, good conversation.
It’s been a while…
It’s been a long time since I posted anything, but I’m feeling like I should get back into blogging. I think part of the reason I took a hiatus is because my posts were too often political, railing against the most recent travesty in Trumps administration and I was finding my anger at the current administration was affecting my mood in general. I was hopeful that the Orange Buffoon would, I don’t know, become less of a buffoon maybe. Realize that the Presidency was greater than he was and he needed to rise above his instincts and stop being such a moron.
Sadly, that hasn’t happened; in fact it’s gotten worse.
What continues to mystify me is not so much how low he and his toadies can sink, but how people I know to be good, honest and decent people continue to support him. I’m still trying to find that person with whom I can have an honest discussion about what exactly they see that makes him worthy of their support, but mostly I get “Well, at least he’s not Hillary” or some such non-answer. I’ll keep trying.
In the meantime, I’m going to do my best to reduce the number of posts about Washington’s mess and find more positive topics. Or maybe, rather than talk about how awful Trump is all the time, try to bring up productive action items. Like pushing for redistricting laws or encouraging activism. In that regard, I really like Robert Reich, the former Secretary of Labor from 1993 to 1997 under President Bill Clinton (he also served in various capacities during the administrations of Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama) and now Professor of Public Policy at Berkeley. While he is certainly not shy about writing (and speaking) very eloquently about the corruption of the current administration, he also brings up things that can (and should) be done to hopefully work back toward a healthy and truly representative legislature.
That’s my plan anyhow; we’ll see how it pans out.
About BigBill
Stats: Married male boomer. Hobbies: Hiking, woodworking, reading, philosophy, good conversation.