I think just about everyone knows how abysmally low the Tweeter-In-Chief’s approval ratings are, and I think for good reason. The guy’s monumental incompetence is evident in almost everything he does. I got back about a month ago from Mexico; I was invited to do a workshop there for about 100 of our Distributor’s reps and doctor customers. And when talk worked its way around away from business a bit, Trump came up. And no surprise, he has very few friends in Mexico either.
Surprisingly, the comments I heard weren’t so much about The Wall (although that did come up); my impression is that the fact that nothing has been done this far into his administration (in spite of his promises that “On Day One” he’d start building his “beautiful, beautiful wall) has given people there the belief that no wall is going to be built. Instead, it’s looking more and more like it was nothing but bluster and bloviation, and most of the people I spoke with are less concerned about than they were shortly after the election.
Instead, the comments I heard had to do with his arrogance and the damage he’s doing to the image of the US around the world. Three different people commented in different conversations how foolish he looked when he pushed aside the PM of Montenegro so he could get in front of the group for one of the group photos at the NATO Summit, and then stood there preening for the camera. (I agree; what a disgusting display of narcissism!)
There was a lot of talk about Trump taking the US out of NAFTA, and how they believe that’s going to lead to chaos and increasing prices. One of the doctors’ husbands is originally from Canada (he’s been in Mexico for about 3 or 4 years now), and he commented from the perspective of both of our trading partners (while China is our largest trading partner, Canada and Mexico are number two and three, respectively, as individual countries; the EU as an aggregate is far away the largest). Like here, people just simply cannot understand how Americans could have elected such an incompetent, ill-informed buffoon to the most important office in the world.
I was also traveling in England recently and got essentially the same reaction. Interestingly, the people I spoke with there couldn’t understand Trump’s actions either and thought him an incompetent idiot. This was particularly interesting as the people I spoke with who were the strongest in their dislike for Trump were also strong supporters of Brexit and had an “England First” attitude similar to those supporters of Trump.
In conversation today, the consensus was that he’s not going to serve out his term; it’s only a matter of time until the Republicans realize he’s dragging their part down and kick him to the curb.
The biggest concern is how much damage he can do to the United States, both locally and globally before he leaves office. I fear it’s going to take a long time to undo the damage he’s causing.
About BigBill
Stats: Married male boomer.
Hobbies: Hiking, woodworking, reading, philosophy, good conversation.
Trump’s approval rating is in the toilet pretty much all over the globe
I think just about everyone knows how abysmally low the Tweeter-In-Chief’s approval ratings are, and I think for good reason. The guy’s monumental incompetence is evident in almost everything he does. I got back about a month ago from Mexico; I was invited to do a workshop there for about 100 of our Distributor’s reps and doctor customers. And when talk worked its way around away from business a bit, Trump came up. And no surprise, he has very few friends in Mexico either.
Surprisingly, the comments I heard weren’t so much about The Wall (although that did come up); my impression is that the fact that nothing has been done this far into his administration (in spite of his promises that “On Day One” he’d start building his “beautiful, beautiful wall) has given people there the belief that no wall is going to be built. Instead, it’s looking more and more like it was nothing but bluster and bloviation, and most of the people I spoke with are less concerned about than they were shortly after the election.
Instead, the comments I heard had to do with his arrogance and the damage he’s doing to the image of the US around the world. Three different people commented in different conversations how foolish he looked when he pushed aside the PM of Montenegro so he could get in front of the group for one of the group photos at the NATO Summit, and then stood there preening for the camera. (I agree; what a disgusting display of narcissism!)
There was a lot of talk about Trump taking the US out of NAFTA, and how they believe that’s going to lead to chaos and increasing prices. One of the doctors’ husbands is originally from Canada (he’s been in Mexico for about 3 or 4 years now), and he commented from the perspective of both of our trading partners (while China is our largest trading partner, Canada and Mexico are number two and three, respectively, as individual countries; the EU as an aggregate is far away the largest). Like here, people just simply cannot understand how Americans could have elected such an incompetent, ill-informed buffoon to the most important office in the world.
I was also traveling in England recently and got essentially the same reaction. Interestingly, the people I spoke with there couldn’t understand Trump’s actions either and thought him an incompetent idiot. This was particularly interesting as the people I spoke with who were the strongest in their dislike for Trump were also strong supporters of Brexit and had an “England First” attitude similar to those supporters of Trump.
In conversation today, the consensus was that he’s not going to serve out his term; it’s only a matter of time until the Republicans realize he’s dragging their part down and kick him to the curb.
The biggest concern is how much damage he can do to the United States, both locally and globally before he leaves office. I fear it’s going to take a long time to undo the damage he’s causing.
About BigBill
Stats: Married male boomer. Hobbies: Hiking, woodworking, reading, philosophy, good conversation.