How are we doing so far?

We’re well past the current administration’s first 100 days in office. There was a lot of blather about his “accomplishments” (or really, lack thereof) during that period. Of course it’s an arbitrary number and historically pretty meaningless, but for some reason people put a lot of weight behind the significance of that time frame. I heard it originated with Kennedy’s presidency, but I’m not sure that’s true.

Anyhow, we’re watching this idiot dig an ever-deeper hole for himself every time he touches his phone to blast out another “real truth” to his base. I have to describe it that way because nothing else makes any sense. Virtually every pronouncement from him is either ridiculously self-aggrandizing or a diatribe against the unfairness of it all (the media, his enemies, Democrats, and the self-created Crisis du jour.) He’s been noticeably quiet in the last couple of days as Comey’s testimony before Congress unfolds; I can only assume that someone with self-preservation at the core of their motivation took his phone away from him, or convinced him to shut the hell up. I can’t believe a rational person, looking at what he’s tweeting, can conclude it’s actually helping anything other than throwing red meat to his base. Which, by the way, stays loyal to him while his popularity dwindles among the populace. (Remember that his hard-core base is actually quite small; he managed to get elected because enough people didn’t trust Clinton or were desperate for a change—any change—held their noses and voted for him.) He’s hovering somewhere around 33 or 34 percent approval, the lowest of any president in the history of polling at this point in their terms.

Most recently (as alluded to above), James Comey is laying out the case to Congress how Trump committed an impeachable offense by attempting to get him to drop the FBI investigation into Michael Flynn and Russian meddling in our electoral process. At least that’s one way of viewing his testimony; he responded when asked if he thought Trump was “obstructing his investigation” by saying that was up to the Special Prosecutor to determine. Of course Trump tried spinning it as a complete exoneration of himself, because Comey didn’t say that he explicitly directed him to drop his investigation, although Comey said he was clear that’s what the Liar-In-Chief was doing. As this investigation continues I am quite confident we will find out that Trump (or his surrogates) actively colluded with the Russians to hack the DNC email servers and seed false news stories damaging to Clinton as a way to swing the election his way.

But of course, with the Republicans controlling both Houses there is virtually zero probability of Trump getting impeached; they are too interested in getting their agenda of tax breaks to the uber-wealthy and a destruction of the safety net of the middle and working classes to want to have to kick Trump to the curb. After all, he’s the guy that has to sign their bills once they pass. It’s of value to note that an examination of the events that led up to Clinton’s impeachment proceedings were less damning than Trump’s; he was just trying to keep secret his affair with Monica Lewinsky and no one accused him of colluding with our most significant adversary in swinging an election. (And lest we forget, this moron actually tried to defend the betrayal of one of our staunchest allies when he shared intel we got from them with Russia!) It’s clear that their commitment to their ideology of limiting government is more important than what’s right for the country.

The Republicans in Congress should be ashamed of themselves. It’s well past time to impeach this buffoon before he causes irreparable damage.

About BigBill

Stats: Married male boomer. Hobbies: Hiking, woodworking, reading, philosophy, good conversation.
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